My life just got 23894578567698 times busier.
School has begun, which has is somewhat bittersweet, especially being a senior, but I cannot stop time so eh, I just have to live with it.
There are a lot of things to tackle, particularly in this semester, that may or may not inhibit my art production. I am hoping they won't, or at least I won't let them, since it is crucial that I work on it as much as possible. I tried to stress to all my teachers in the ritual "tell me about yourself!" assignments that I. LIKE. ANIMATION.
Theres bio, with several IAs to do and well, I just suck at science so I have to study extra hard. There is math where the teacher doesn't know how to teach so that'll be fun. Math is also notorious for busywork. Two IAs in that class as well. TOK which will present an IA and a large essay to write. Fortunately he's changed it a bit so we don't have so many random journal assignments. Tech has a lot of newbies, and they'll be hard to train since Jason is leaving in February because his wife is having a baby. We even recruited a mentally retarded kid. We didn't know this at the time, and I don't want to be discriminatory, but having a retarded kid work with power tools, heavy objects, and great heights just iiiisnt the best idea, especially in high pressure situations. I also want to knock out my light show and music video by the end of september this year so I am not FREAKING OUT in may like I was last year. English scares the fuck out of me. The teacher is nice but infamous for being really tough with grades and my writing is ok, but my speaking needs a little work, and that's what she is focusing on. She snapped at us for not having the book we are going to read yet. I read the summer assignment. Because of the word "summer." Nothing in the assignment said anything about obtaining Hamlet. We have our 2 world lit papers left as well as the commentary. Anyway, there is psych as well which is just going to be one big party because everyone is awesome in that class, and we already spent a day doing nothing. It will, unfortunately, include 3 IA papers and an experiment. Finally there is IB ART!!! Which I am so THRILLED for. Basically, I get to do whatever I want and everyone in that class is my buddy so its going to be just amazing. I am so psyched for it. <3
Breakthrough arts brought figure drawing back. Its still the same teacher, who leans towards strict traditional drawing, but thats based off the advice he gave me, and, well, I was out to a slow start in that class. It took me almost 10 weeks to really get gesture down as an idea. I just didn't understand it. So I am excited to go back and blow them away with my improvement over the summer. I really hope we get a different model though. The last one was fine, but it got boring drawing the same woman every week. I mean, thats not very helpful in terms of a universal understanding of the body. Its every monday. I don't know how gracious target will be with my work schedule, but hopefully very much so since I've only requested a couple hours a week. The best part about this class? IT'S FREE!!!! I love grants and rich-hippie-boulder-community-lovers :D
I am also devoting myself to being, like, a social person and all that. Apparently I'm throwing a party this weekend? I dunno, it's weird, whatever.
Tomorrow is saturday and I go to do more drawing! I also want to start my IW for art ASAP (oh the acronyms of IB!) I may post some stuff from there as well. Some kids make theirs really intensely beautiful