Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Comp and Color Digital Notebook

So for my final project in Comp and Color class we had to put together a digital notebook of all the work we did from the semester. Since it was the most challenging and most fun class I had, I thought I would post it for all the world to see.
We had to do a crash course in basic page design for this, and since I'm no designer, I went with something pretty simple.
Also, this isn't all the work. A lot of these we had to create many, many images. I included my favorites. Also also, some of these were in class exercises, which is why they are kind of crappy.

I would like to say thank god I had a digital comp and color class. I saw the traditional ones and they got to reproduce painting after painting after painting. It was much easier to learn the principles on a program like illustrator, rather than trying to mess with painting techniques and so on.

(In class exercise)

(In class exercise)

There were 12 of these we had to do...and answer all 6 questions for. It took foreveeeer.

(In class exercise)

(In class exercise...I've been meaning to redo this project because I had some cool ideas but was too limited by the time to pull them off the way I wanted. Also my tablet stopped working in this class.)

Dumpy dump dump dump

Oh yea! This blog. Forgot about this.

Well I didn't take any pictures of my longer pose figure drawings or of my three week still lives. But it's ok, you are really not missing out on anything spectacular.

Here is stuff I did last semester that I do have pictures of.

Here is an illustration based on one of my unfinished nanowrimo novels from last november that I never finished and probably never will.

Sculpture! 5 weeks. Ultimately earned me a B overall in the class when I had an A :( Had some trouble with the thicknesses and such.

Figure drawing final. Was supposed to take a photo of someone I knew and reproduce it in charcoal on 22x30 paper. 12 hours. Pretty pleased, for the most part.

Fanart I drew for skyward sword over break because I wanted Link and Zelda to kiss because they never do! D:

Fanart/illustration for The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness of the Chaos Walking series. Interesting books. I won't be able to finish the last one until I get my kindle replaced :(

Parody of a Calvin and Hobbes cover I started during finals week because I wanted to pretend my life was like Calvin and Hobbes instead of the miserable anti-social mess that it is.

"digital painting" of the open space by my house in Boulder for photoshop class.

The only picture I took of anything I did in my fundamentals of drawing class this semester. It was just a master copy for homework but I put in the 4 hours and I think it shows. This was about where I started to "get" charcoal. Finally.

Yep! Tune in next time for my entire notebook of work for comp and color class!