Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Meg of Little Women

I'm setting the bar nice and low for my first character design assignment...

The entire semester's assignment is to take a story, twist it, and redesign the characters based off another artist's style. I am taking Little Women and giving it a burlesque twist, as my amusement with the irony seems to know no bounds. I am *attempting* to emulate the style of Claire Wendling and Frank Stockton. They are both phenomenal artists, and as it turns out, I am not, so it is proving to be a rather difficult thing to do. This mostly just looks like anything else I would draw or paint. 

Hopefully the next ones will be better. 

This is Meg, by the way. The umbrella is a literary reference that makes me feel super smart. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Family Cheese

I spent some solid bonding time with my cintiq this weekend and worked on some designs for my visual storytelling project. Things are still in the the early stages though, so stuff may change with these. Probably a lot.

The story I envision so far is a black and white homage to more physical comedy. Not straight up slapstick, but I don't want any dialogue, just a lot of passive aggressive communication and maybe some people slapping each other or falling over or something... You know, just a family trying to get their morning off the ground. Things will go awry, however, when a dirty magazine turns up. I think. I don't know yet. There might also be ants. See the little kid? He is holding an ant farm. I know you can't really tell, but he is.

I am very inspired by ants these days. They are everywhere in my apartment, crawling all over everything. Including me. And my retainers. Ew.